



  • 产品组成
  • 独特优势
  • 功能参数
  • 应用案例
  • a.液体电化学原位样品杆
    • 液体电化学
    • 原位液体样品杆
    • 原位液体电化学样品杆
    • MEMS液体电化学芯片
    • 原位液体电化学
    • 原位液体样品杆
    业界最高分辨率 ·1.独创的MEMS加工工艺,芯片视窗区域的氮化硅膜厚度最薄可达10nm。
    高安全性 ·1.市面常见的其他品牌液体样品杆,由于受自身液体池芯片设计方案制约,只能通过液体泵产生的巨大压力推动大流量液体流经样品台及芯片外围区域,有液体大量泄露的安全隐患。其液体主要靠扩散效应进入芯片中间的纳米孔道,芯片观察窗里并无真实流量流速控制。
    独有的多场耦合技术 ·可在液相环境中实现光、电、热、流体多场耦合。
    智能化软件和自动化设备 ·1.人机分离,软件远程控制实验条件,全程自动记录实验细节数据,便于总结与回顾。
    团队优势 ·1.团队带头人在原位液相TEM发展初期即参与研发并完善该方法。





    类别 项目 参数
    基本参数 杆身材质 高强度钛合金
    视窗膜厚 标配20nm(可升级10nm)
    适用电镜 ThermoFisher/FEI, JEOL, Hitachi
    适用极靴 ST, XT, T, BioT, HRP, HTP, CRP
    倾转角 α=±20°(实际范围取决于透射电镜和极靴型号)
    (HR)TEM/STEM 支持




    Design of liquid-cell EC-TEM to investigate the interfacial reactions of LiPSs.

    Visualizing interfacial collective  reaction behaviour of Li–S batteries

    Nature 621, 75–81 (2023)

    Diffusion dynamics of single ions showing local reciprocating ion hopping motion.

    Observing ion diffusion and reciprocating hopping motion in water

    SCIENCE ADVANCES.28 Jul 2023.Vol 9, Issue 30

    (a) Growth and dissolution of Li–Au alloy and Li dendrite. Reprinted with permission from Zeng et al., Nano Lett. 14, 1745–1750 (2014). Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society. (b) (i) HAADF-STEM images of Li deposition and dissolution at the interface between Pt electrode and LiPF6/PC electrolyte during cycles. (ii) Deposition of Li metal nanoparticles from LiTf in tetraethylene glycol dimethyl (TEGDME) with saturated O2 electrolyte. (iii) and (iv) Simulations of contrast expected for dark-field images of 5 nm nanoparticles. Contrast reversal is detected in pure Li metal, and Li is less dense than 
    the electrolyte.

    Liquid cell electrochemical TEM: Unveiling the real-time interfacial reactions of advanced Li-metal batteries
    J. Chem. Phys. 157, 230901 (2022)

    In situ atomic resolution HRTEM observation on the behaviors of sulfobetaine molecules at the solid-liquid interface under external electric field and the formation of the waterproof layer around the negative electrode surface.
    Controlling Interfacial Structural Evolution in Aqueous Electrolyte via Anti-Electrolytic Zwitterionic Waterproofing.
    Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 2207140.

    Comparative illustration of graphite layers and atomic channels. Schematic illustration of (a) typical Li+ intercalation in graphite layers and (b) superdense Li diffusion in atomic channels.

    Efficient diffusion of superdense lithium via atomic channels for dendrite-free lithium–metal batteries
    Energy & Environmental Science 2022, 15 (1), 196-205.

    High-resolution aberration-corrected STEM images of Pt NPs on the a) Pt/α-PtOx/WO3, b) Pt/α-PtOx/WO3-300, and c) Pt/α-PtOx/WO3-400. The corresponding fast Fourier transform (FFT) pattern of the amorphous interface (a1), (b1), (c1) and crystal structure (a2), (b2), (c2) in the Pt NPs. The statistical ratio of crystalline Pt and amorphous PtOx for different Pt/α-PtOx/WO3 hybrids are shown in the inset of STEM images. d) High-resolution aberration-corrected STEM image of Pt NPs on the Pt/c-PtOx/WO3 with crystal PtOx interface.

    Engineering of Amorphous PtOx Interface on Pt/WO3 Nanosheets for Ethanol Oxidation Electrocatalysis
    Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 31 (28)


